Many Malaysians were uptight when the Attorney General Chambers (AGC)'s Deputy Public Prosecutor decided to withdraw the prosecution against Lim Guan Eng and Phang Li Koon by requesting the court to order a "discharge not amounting to acquittal". The court however made an order for a discharge and acquittal after hearing the application by the lawyer for the accused. The lawyer explained that the accused should not have a possibility of a criminal case hanging over their heads for the entire of their lives. The judge concurred.
Most of the Malaysian press reported an acquittal without understanding the basis and fairness of the order. Malaysians bipartisanly criticised the Attorney General (AG) and demanded explanation from him. Some even asked him to be investigated or to resign. The innocent Attorney General had recused himself from this case since day one. Many journalists and civic-minded Malaysians obviously missed out the press release dated dated 2nd August 2018 by the AGC. All of them were too eager to accuse that the AGC, including the AG, were under the influence of the new government just like before 9th May 2018 election.
None has looked at the AG, Tommy Thomas's background to know him better. By reading more about him will make you realise that he is no pushover. I personally think that the current prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad would not be able to move him.
Finally Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mohamad Hanafiah issued a press release to clear the air. The press release is self-explanatory.

It is healthy that Malaysians are sceptical and questioning the new power that be. It shows that they care. After all, they were stuck with an authoritarian and abusive regime for 60 years. The attitude of questioning no doubt provide good checks and balances against the newly elected government.
I have my fair share of scepticism. On the other hand, I believe there are many in the new regime that genuinely want to do good things for Malaysia. It is hoped that the number of good guys will outweigh the 'bad guys' who still wish to abuse power or take corruption money.
Malaysia now has an AG who works on the independence day, plus an ex-judge and another senior lawyer who are willing to work for free for their beloved country. There are many more who have parted with their money and put in their time to encourage Malaysians to go out and vote to change the old regime. I still have faith in this bunch of people. I see hope and I am not about to give up as yet.
If you go on to read the below press release from the AG, you will know what I mean.