Sunday 3 May 2020

Malaysian Logic - Comedian or Politician ?

Malaysia is a small country in southeast Asia that has not failed to mass-produce capable comedians. The beautiful part of Malaysian comedians is that many of them end up as leaders of the country.  Read this to see more examples. This trend is especially apparent since March 2020 when Muhyiddin Yassin and gang succeeded in forming a 'back door government' by betraying his own existing political alliance and collaborating with his own political foes from other smaller parties. All these were done in the name of his lifetime ambition to be the prime minister.

Come meet Muhyiddin's close associates, Azmin Ali and his 'geng longkang' or drainage gang. Longkang is a Malay word that means drain.

Afif Bahardin, a leader from the inner circle of Azmin, explained to a press conference that hair saloon services are able to reduce high blood pressure of patrons. Really? He quoted a research paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine which was horrendously ill-understood by him of course.

The actual fact is that a team of researchers were presenting their findings that taking medicine to the people — in the places they go regularly, with people they trust — can achieve remarkable results. In this case, they took the medical treatments to the barbershops of African-American men. They were researching if measuring and treating blood pressure in barbershops could help African-American men. Their intention was to look for ways to reach black men, who have extraordinarily high rates of heart attacks, sudden cardiac arrest, heart failure and stroke. It has nothing to do with cutting or washing hair per se.

In fact, a number of studies have suggested a relationship between blood pressure and men’s baldness, particularly the early-onset kind. It is high blood pressure possibly causing baldness, and not cutting hair to lower high blood pressure. Afif, can I advise you something? (sic)

Do you think this Malaysian politician has all the traits of a funny comedian or he is a comedian making it big as a leader of Malaysia ?

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